Karen Post
House District 88 is comprised of rural communities that deserve a representative who will protect their values, businesses, schools, and local governments from overreaching regulation. The nineteen counties of the district stretch from the panhandle to the Permian Basin and represent industries that all of Texas relies on. If elected, it will be my honor and mission to take the West Texas way of life to Austin and battle everyday for the good men, women, and children of this district.

about me
Karen Post was born in 1954 in Ft. Benning, GA and raised in California. In 1977, she married Wayne Post in Searcy, Arkansas, eventually settled in Connecticut and raised their family. Due to Connecticut passing legislation that would tax Wayne’s retirement military benefits and having family in Texas, they moved to Plainview.
Karen’s career spans 40 years, working in various roles and industries, eventually becoming an entrepreneur. She has served as a community mobilizer and grassroots activist for the past six years and most recently served as the Public Affairs Strategist and Chairwoman for the Hale County Republican Party.
Karen and Wayne live in Plainview with their two dogs, Bandit and Chloe.

My Priorities Focus On Education, Agriculture, Energy, Reducing Property Taxes, Rural Healthcare, Securing The Southern Border. Every Voter Counts, Therefore, I Am Committed To Represent ALL Voters in the 19 Counties That Make Up District 88.
I will advocate for continued investment in K-12 education throughout District 88 by increasing support and stability to ISDs, rewarding teachers, and empowering parents with options and access to the learning environments that best serve their children.
Agriculture and Water
Our Texas ranchers and farmers are concerned about their ability to trade and conduct business in open and free markets and their property rights. There are also concerns about the declining availability of water. I will fight to preserve our agriculture industry and work toward solutions for our water such as ways of managing our sources and finding alternative sources.
Texans of HD88 deserve the most affordable and reliable electricity possible. We have a mix of energy sources but the investments into them need to be rebalanced. Texas needs to address its overinvestment in wind and solar infrastructure and I will work towards making wind and solar as reliable as gas and coal, without compromising the current benefits of oil and gas.
Taxes and Spending
We need to continue along the path of elimination of property taxes for all Texans. I will advocate that we continue to allocate the projected $18B state’s surplus in 2025 to be given back to the taxpayers in property tax relief. I will advocate for limiting spending growth, limiting taxing growth, and lowering tax bills.
I am dedicated to enhancing healthcare access in Texas by boosting the number of medical professionals and advocating for expansion of telehealth services. I plan on addressing the rising healthcare and insurance costs by removing middlemen between the doctor and patient, supporting market-based reforms to promote price competition and transparency, and making healthcare more affordable for all Texans.
Border Security
Texas must take charge to safeguard the border and eliminate the incentives that fuel illegal immigration. I commit to championing legislation aimed at fortifying our border and deporting all illegal aliens.